Back in Copenhagen for certification of 25 business advisors
This week we were back in Copenhagen, where it all started 10 years ago, for certification of 25 business advisors from Denmark, Faroe Islands and Norway.
We are happy to welcome advisors from the following organizations to our community:
- Business Kolding
- D2i - Design to innovate
- Erhvervsakademi Aarhus
- ErhvervsCentret Greve
- Hugskotið
- Kalundborgegnens Erhvervsråd
- Lejre Kommune
- Slagelse Erhvervscenter A/S
- Telemark Næringshage AS
- TwentySeven
- Vækstfabrikken Innovation House Aps
- Vækstfabrikken Innovation House China-Denmark
- Væksthus Hovedstadsregionen
- Visit Tórshavn
- Helsingør kommune - Center for Erhverv, Politik og Organisation