Partnership opportunities — GrowthWheel

Do Business with GrowthWheel
—Become our business partner

GrowthWheel International is looking for Business Partners in all regions around the world to help promote GrowthWheel and maintain relationships with local GrowthWheel Certified Partners.

The role of a GrowthWheel Business Partner is primarily to build a pipeline and nurture relationships, through personal networking, sales meetings, workshops, and participation in industry events as exhibitors and/or speakers.

GrowthWheel will provide all the back-office support for the sales effort, including co-branded marketing materials, website content, sales presentations, webinars, quote writing, CRM-system etc. GrowthWheel can also participate in high-level sales meetings and do keynotes at national industry conferences.

We enter partnerships with organizations that are already GrowthWheel Certified Partners, with a minimum of two GrowthWheel Certified and Licensed employees.


We have five different kinds of partnerships:

  1. Localization Partners (translation)

  2. Affiliate Partners

  3. Business Partners

  4. Joint Venture Partners

  5. Certified Training Partner


GrowthWheel Localization Partner
GrowthWheel Localization Partners help translate the GrowthWheel Toolbox and Online Platform into a local language. In exchange, GrowthWheel offer discounts on certification course and a license fee in proportion to the amount of translation work. We currently have Localization Partners for the following languages: Thai, Akan, Swahili, Swedish, Bahasa Malaysia, Brazilian Portuguese, Indonesian, Italian, and Arabic. We are always looking for new partners —either in the mentioned or new languages. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact our localization project manager at

GrowthWheel Affiliate Partners
GrowthWheel Affiliate Partners get a one-time commission for making introductions to potential clients, without any fixed commitment to marketing activities. The commission ranges between 5-15% of the first-year License Fee paid by new clients. There can be several Affiliate Partners in a country. We currently have Affiliate Partners in Canada and France.

GrowthWheel Business Partners
GrowthWheel Business Partners commit to an agreed set of marketing activities and receive a recurring commission on the license income. The commission is 20% of the recurring license fee paid by local GrowthWheel Certified Partners engaged by the Business Partner. There will usually only be one Business Partner in a country. We currently have GrowthWheel Business Partners in Norway and Malaysia.

GrowthWheel Joint Venture Partners
GrowthWheel Joint Venture Partners have joined as co-owners of a jointly owned incorporated company, which has the exclusive rights to sell GrowthWheel Training and Licenses in the local market. The joint venture acquires a Franchise Agreement with GrowthWheel International. We currently have a joint venture partner in South Africa (GrowthWheel South Africa Ltd.).

GrowthWheel Certified Training Partner
GrowthWheel Training Partners have received a special certification which allows for conducting local Certification Courses on behalf of GrowthWheel International, and make income from this activity. The Certified Training Partner get 80% of the training income. We currently have a Certified Training Partner in Malaysia (Scope Group).

If you are interested in more information about partnering with GrowthWheel please contact David Madié at or schedule a call