New release: Brush-up of GrowthWheel Online — GrowthWheel

New release: Brush-up of GrowthWheel Online


As you may have noticed, we have given GrowthWheel Online a quick brush-up this summer.

In this release, we have focused on updating a few features that will make it more convenient for you to use GrowthWheel Online.

  • We have changed to a new font that is more readable

  • An improved client company/manager layout

  • The logo on the “My Clients” page is bigger and more visible

  • The download button is bigger and easier to find

  • Interactions are in a new color

We hope these brush-ups will make it easier for you to use GrowthWheel Online to work with your clients!

Examples of the new layout
—Making it more convenient to use GrowthWheel Online!


The client’s logo is more visible


New view of client interactions

Dark blue download button
