GrowthWheel Advanced Tool:
GrowthWheel for Crisis Management
Get 20 free Decision Sheets to help you support your clients during a crisis.
As a business advisor you are always trying to help you clients make the best decisions, and especially during a time of crisis. Often, clients must deal with multiple challenges at the same time. By breaking down the crisis situation, you can help your client create the best starting point to deal with the crisis in an effective manner.
GrowthWheel for Crisis Management is a tool designed to help you make good and helpful decisions during a crisis. The tool helps you describe the crisis, identify personal challenges, look for financial warning signals, and establish a solution plan. It includes 11 decision sheets specifically designed to improve the operational aspect of the crisis.
Examples oF decision sheets:
Crisis Description
Job to be done:
Making honest descriptions of all aspects of the crisis.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By making detailed descriptions, it creates a better starting point for finding a solution.
Crisis Agenda
Job to be done:
Systematically going through the various areas of the business.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By doing this we can more easily find the most important topics to work on in the meetings.
Cost Budget
Job to be done:
Define what type of costs we have in the company.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By outlining the different costs we can more easily make decisions about how to run the company.
Crisis Causes
Job to be done:
Systematically finding the root causes of the current crisis.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By asking the question “why?” five times we can find the root cause of why the crisis started.
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