GrowthWheel Advanced Tool:
GrowthWheel for Workshop Programs
Get 20+ Decision Sheets to help you plan and carry out your own workshops.
The GrowthWheel Advanced Workshop tools is a pack of 20+ visual Decision Sheet that will help you, as a Business Advisor, set up and leverage workshops as an effective way to rapidly reach decisions within the client organization.
The planning and designing stages of an online workshop are the most important parts of the whole process and, whether you’re hosting an online event for the first time or are already a seasoned pro in delivering virtual meetings, we’ve put together a set of Decision Sheets that will help you improve the planning, structure, and design of your workshop.
The future is now and remote facilitation is here to stay. Be a better business advisor, learn how to enable the online workshop space, and take advantage of all the opportunities that come along with it.
Examples oF decision sheets:
Workshop Selection
Job to be done:
There are many different types of workshops or events.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By getting an overview of what workshops we can do, we can more easily select the best options for our organization.
Program Description
Job to be done:
To attract client companies we need to be able to present a workshop programs with interesting and relevant content.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By making a clear description of the program, it gets easier to explain and sell parts of it as well as the entire program.
Workshop Product Sheet
Job to be done:
Making sales materials early in the workshop development process can be a great way to imagine the workshop before it exists and to get further inspiration for the final event.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By making the first draft of a workshop product sheet we can answer all relevant questions a participant might have.
Workshop Outline
Job to be done:
To plan a good workshop, we need to think through every minute of the event.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By making a detailed timeline with the different elements to include, we make sure nothing is left out.
Sign up to get a free copy of the GrowthWheel Advanced Series for Workshop Programs.