GrowthWheel Advanced Tool:
GrowthWheel for Innovation:
—20 Tools that help your clients to be innovative
One of GrowthWheels tools is a pack of 20+ visual Decision Sheets that help Business Advisors take clients through a process where they understand alternatives and reach decisions.
Idea Qualification
Job To Be Done:
Prioritize innovation initiatives.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By establishing the financial and non-financial criteria for which innovative initiatives to carry out, we can make a scoreboard to help decide with which innovation projects to move forward.
Customer Persona
Job To Be Done:
Get a better understanding of your customers by describing typical profiles.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
Good communication with our customers makes it easier to convince them to buy our product or service.
Innovation Team
Job To Be Done:
Put together a project innovation team.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By putting together a team that will focus on designing the innovation project we make sure that all the skills we need are at hand.
Innovation Profitability
Job To Be Done:
Select innovative projects within the focus areas that will create the most profit.
How the Decision Sheet helps:
By going through all the areas of the business, we can more easily figure out which areas will be most profitable to focus on.
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